Sunday, June 14, 2009

Review- Apple Iphone - The Best Business Mobile?

As you would know, internet lock Apple Iphone 3G was launched recently by Apple CEO Steve Jobs with much fanfare. There is good reason for much internet millions this fanfare. The Iphone has a lot of fantastic features for business mobile users and it has a great device. In doing a review of wireless customer service Apple Iphone 3G, I liked the following features.

  • Wireless Synchronisation- With many old smart phones, you had to plug it in to your computer to synchronize your contacts. An Apple Iphone enables you to wirelessly synchronise your contacts, your calendar and your emails.
  • GPS Maps- With inbuilt GPS maps, you should speed get lost again on your way to your next appointment. Get directions from one place to the next with ease!
  • Make notes on the run- You never know where that next great business idea is going to hit you, and nothing is more annoying than not having a piece of paper around so you can take note of that idea. With the inbuilt notes application on the Iphone, you can make notes on the run to check broadband connection speed that you never lose that important idea.
  • Add on applications- As well streamyx modem the pre-installed applications on the Iphone, there are a plethora of other applications you get to enhance your user experience.
  • WiFI- GPRS can broadband check expensive, but the Apple Iphone has the benefit of having inbuilt WiFI capabilities. As such, when you are in the office, or in a hotspot, you can access the internet from your device without having to worry about huge fees.

The other benefit of the Iphone is that it looks sexy. Whilst in the air asia malaysia kuala lumpur hotels with plenty of features have looked ugly, the Iphone gives you a beautiful phone with all the features. If image is as important to you as a feature rich device, than the Apple Iphone might just be for you.

Hamish Jones is the founder of Best Business Deals, specialists in telecommunications and public relations

For advice on the best business mobiles, click here.